.......... One Photo Per Day For The Coming Year.........
..........Started January 23th, 2009..........
..........Ending January 23th, 2010..........


Project on Project 2009

Some months ago I gave up my blog that I was writing but kept this one... Normally when things happened in the family it was posted on the Melanson News ... I think it is this time of the year that I will miss it... so this is a special add on to Project 2009....

Every year I usually take the time to make wreaths for the love ones that have passed on before us... and then place them at their graves before the winter comes... but this year things were different... first off Roger my brother went up North for a week leaving my sister Pat and myself holding down the fort... (of he is going to love that one... and I know he will say ... see I told you that it takes two to replace this trained profession but the truth is I am usually there all the time... he he) so we decided to get mom and dad involved with the making of the wreaths....

The only thing is after all the work we did... I didn't take a minute to take a photo of the wreaths that we did make but I am sure from here to Christmas there will be a few other special add ons... and no I didn't forget the photos that I am suppose to be doing...

We got dad some wired hangers and gave him the job of making the holders of the wreaths taping them in Christmas colors green and red... I took the puppies up with me today... which is a rare thing because I usually don't allow them in my car... and Mr. Kodak jumped up on him and torn the skin on his hand... but it didn't stop him from doing his job....

Mom on the other hand was having fun with the bare wreaths... she is so funny at times...

We assigned mom to picking up the decorations and bows to put on the wreaths.. and as you can see while I was messing around with the camera Pat was busy trying the first of five wreaths...

Pat crowning mom the Wreath Queen he he...

Some times I think I am way too old to learn something new but today that was different... Pat using mom's figures made a bow... something I never seen before... very cool...

Finished product...

And when all was done and picked up though we still have one more to make... Pat got into making dinner for themselves... while I packed up some things to head home with the puppies...

I took this picture to show Roget that Pat is doing her job he he...

I will be back this week... with some other photos but it is late and I have an early morning so they will have to wait....

Have a great one all... Joanne


It took Me Not As Long This Time

To start off Danie it is the Chaleur Mall that is being torn down....

Well it only took me 10 days this time to get these photos up... not bad in my book... We had a little bit of snow today but nothing to talk about which is good because my older sister invited me up for dinner this evening and I always enjoy her cooking also it means that I don't have to figure out what I am going to make for myself tonight... that is a plus...

October 28, 2009

I noticed this one the way up to town and was surprised that I had not noticed it before because I have only been driving this road for the last 11 years more but that is how long I have been behind the wheel... this little place is behind a house along my road... and you all know how much I love old buildings... I wonder if someone actually lived in this one... I was tempted to stop and ask the lady that was outside watching me snap the photos I took of it but of course I didn't... but it actually looks like it has a little garage attached to it...

October 29, 2009
The men were in to put in a new electrical panel in the house so I took mom down to the house to help make some homemade chicken soup... then invited Pat to join us... we are sitting around waiting for slow poke to show up for lunch... that is Dad if you didn't know...

October 30, 2009
The bears came a calling this summer and really made a mess of my feeders so I had not put any feed out for the rest of the season... then I noticed some moose birds (gray jays as Carl calls them) hanging around and thought since there was plenty of seeds in the house I should fill the winter feeder up... and low and behold what came a calling and have been showing up in the morning and at dinner time are the blue Jays...

October 31, 2009

All the other trees have lost their beautiful colors and only the oak tree in the yard is still dressed showing off what it still has..

November 01, 2009
We had one heck of a wind and rain storm Saturday night... and were the old Noranda Building is the tree split almost in half....

November 02, 2009

We have such a hard time to get photos of the woodpeckers through out the summer but on this day it was sitting in the middle of the seeds having a grand time throw out the seeds that had already been eating looking for some full ones... it sat there for about 10 minutes until a blue jay came looking for its turn.....

November 03, 2009

You can always tell when I didn't get a photo for the day when I drive into my yard... there is one of the plants, trees or the clouds.... today it is the clouds... but I was trying to get the sun rays coming through the thick clouds but it didn't come out really good on this picture... will have to try again...

November 04, 2009

And then there are those days that I walk out of the house leaving the camera sitting on the computer desk or in its case and come home to realize that I didn't take one photo that day... and that is usually when Miss Maggie and Mr. Kodak comes into play... Maggie spends a lot of time watching me as I click away at the computer while Kodak has this on never mind what she is doing attitude... after about 5 minutes or so they are both in la la land nothing caring what I do as long as I don't get off the chair... lol

November 05, 2009

I went back in the Dollar Store to get popcorn for the ducks so I can get some photos of them but instead I got more sea gulls then ducks... going to go get some cracked corn if I want just the ducks....

November 06, 2009

Well thought I would let everyone know that Mom and Dad decided to move... the house is getting to big for them, they are rarely upstairs and they really can't keep up with it especially when none of their children want to help out... so this is their new place....

just big enough for a bed LOL.... actually it is where the generator for power outs is going to be... thought I would do a funny.... he he

Well that is it for now... see you next time... and have a good one...



Well I finally got my camera bag upstairs and near the computer to upload or download which ever it is to the computer... another long time without photos but they are here...

October 10, 2009
Finally my oak tree is changing into its fall colors... it seems to be the last one every year to start and finish.....

October 11, 2009
I travel around Carron Point Road almost every day to see if I could catch some geese in the fields and most times I don't see any... but I did notice this old barn through the trees today... in all the times I have driven by I never noticed it before... guess the trees and their leaves were covering it up... I do love old buildings...

October 12, 2009
My dogs live on dry dog food... but every third day of so I give them some wet stuff... Carl says it could be food for us it looks so good.... this morning I was working on Christmas Cards and hear this sniffing sound coming out of the kitchen... I had to go in to see what was going on... Kodak was so into his food that he was not coming up to breath.... I guess it was that good....

October 13, 2009
I never noticed that I had another flower still bloom in the garden besides Autumn Joy... I have no idea what it is... a neighbor down the road gave it to me... but it has the prettiest pink flowers on it...

October 14, 2009
I have driven the road from here to Moncton many times and several trees have caught my eye as in the oddness of them so as I was coming home from taking Janice down I had to stop and snap a few of them.. this tree towered over all around but only had the top part of it growing...

October 15, 2009
A day I got lucky to find some geese in the water along Carron Point Road....

October 16, 2009
I had to take this one... it just reminded me of an old cane that a giant placed against the tree and forgot to pick it up as he left... ok yes I have an imagination...

October 17, 2009
This was suppose to be a where is this one but not going to do it... I have driven by the old post office for weeks watching as the vines turn to their fall colors and I always said I have to come back to get a photo of it ... well I finally did... and I am glad I did because a few days of wind and I would not have gotten this picture.... I am slow at things at times...

October 18, 2009
So the camera was in the dining room... it was getting closer to the bedroom and the computer... it was the end of the day and I was finishing up mom and dad's Christmas Cards... and I didn't take a photo yet that day.... so guess what... I took the pile of cards that I will be sending out in a couple of weeks... so family check your mail box I am sure there will be one there for you....

October 19, 2009
Drove into town and was surprised to seen that the city actually took the time to decorate around the center of town ... just surprised that I didn't notice it before ... like around Thanksgiving because I am sure that it was there then....

October 20, 2009
Fall colors around the old wharf just off from the mill wharf....

October 21, 2009
Yet another odd looking tree in my travels...

October 22, 2009
Went to put the dogs out and got a surprise... it was snowing... first snow of the year but it didn't stay around for very long... was some glad Carl took the car up last week end for the winter tires...

October 23, 2009
After three weeks of putting it off and waiting for a decision to be made by the other person that lives here... I finally got all my painting done.. not all that happy with the end results but it is done...

October 24, 2009
I finally have my washer and drier back up and running.... though I just noticed when I was getting this picture ready to be posted that I forgot to put the light cover on... hmmm I guess I know what I am going to be doing when I am done here....

October 25, 2009
For the last several years I have been setting my Christmas table with Christmas dishes and always thinking it was never complete but could never find flat ware for the table and dealt with it.... so Saturday night Carl wanted to go into CT for an air freshener for the jeep... (that is a totally different story all together but not telling about it) so while he was looking for that you know I headed to the Seasonal department... I missed one aisle thought I would be back another time and went off to look for Carl... well of course I couldn't find him so I thought okay I have time to look down the other aisle... and right at the beginning of it on the top of the shelves was you got it FLATWARE... I took them down and looked at them.. did the awww thing because they are beautiful... then looked up and said oh my god you have got to be kidding me... there is no way I am getting these... then I noticed that it was a set of 12 which made me reason out in this little mind of mine that it was not all that bad after all, but I put them back knowing that a set of 12 just wouldn't be enough for the table which meant I had to get two sets... and guess what there was only two sets there.... Carl found me as I was walking out of the aisle and I had to show him what I found...I was also thinking while I was showing him that I had not bought a set of dishes in a few years so could that count as well... only if he doesn't say that I had to give one set of the three sets I have home away... we talked about it and decided that I would come home get the CT money I had here and then pay the balance... but as we neared the check out I looked at him and said... what happens if there is someone else looking for flatware tonight and I come back and they are not there.... so you know who came home with the set of flatware that night... ohhhh corrections TWO sets... And I say this with a smile on my face... Yes I am spoiled... I know it and at times very proud that I am.. .he he ...

October 26, 2009
I was totally shocked last week when I was going up to Pow Wow for dinner to see that they are tearing down the mall...

October 27, 2009
After weeks of driving by this field there is some geese in it ... and I did take lots of photos of then and was going to the car when something caught my eye... a surprise visitor ... I couldn't be more excited to get this and several other photos of the deer with the geese....

Well I will not say I will try to get back sooner then this time because I actually took longer then that last so I will just say see you when I get back...Have a good one All.... Joanne


16 days.... Did you Miss me???? HA HA

Well this has been the worst it has been... 16 days and not a photo posted... now I understand when the article I read about this project said don't let time passed too much before posting...

Today when I drove in the yard after a morning partly on the computer doing some work I offered to do for Pat and a trip with mom to my second favorite store, yes people the Dollar Store has dropped in the ratings... after getting a chance to do the tour of the Great Canadian Dollar Store a few weeks back... but it is an hour away so this morning mom and I took a trip to the dollar store just to get out for a bit and to do something... of course it still cost me... I am beginning to not like these stores at all.... they cost me....

When we returned home our sweet dad had lunch made for us... thanks dad it was great...

Anyway I decided that before I get into the work again or on to facebook and do the farmville or town I was posting my photos...

So I am 16 days behind... and most days I have left the camera sitting on the kitchen floor as I walk out only to return and snap something going on in my house or yard... So you will see a lot of my yard as it welcomes the fall colors with open arms...

September 24, 2009

You see the smile on that brat's face... about 1 hour after it was taken I am sure that it was bigger as I lead her into the car... as she still has not learned yet that going in MY car means two things ... groomers or vet... it was the groomer that day... I am so bad...but my heart almost...broke when I heard the two of them crying out as I left them behind... Carl now me... those poor puppies someone she call dogging welfare on us LOL... I said it almost broke....

September 25, 2009
(warning the next photos is gross ... well to me but I took it anyway... what can I say)

Driving down St. Peter Avenue a truck passed me just before the light and of course like usual I stop and wait for the light and not really paying attention until I think the light is going to change when I am face to face with this ugly dead beast... the tongue hanging out... way to gross ....

September 26, 2009

Okay on the weekend of the 12th I was down to see Robin and Amanda... I think it was Tuesday that I get a call after being told that the baby was being a girl and suffering really bad with all this pink in my life since I really don't like this color what so ever but even though I have not personally met Mia yet I love her way too much not to make a few knitted things for her arrival... like a pink blanket... a sweater so she can come home from the hospital with... hmmmm mitts, hats, socks... but that Tuesday Robin calls with the oh oh in our life... Mia which I love the name by the way... reserve it for the next one... turned into a Caleb... unless they changed their mind on the name and have not told me about it... yet any way... so this is the pretty pink sweater set minus the socks.... that made for Mia...

September 27, 2009

I have no idea what the name of these flowers were.. but they were so beautiful a good part of the summer with the bright reds and pinks they displayed.... and as they fade away into death they remain still beautiful in the winter of their life...

September 28, 2009

Though some of the flowers are fading away.... others remain to exhibit their bright colors... almost to the end when the snow covers them....

September 29, 2009

Well I am back into painting well so I thought... this is the color it was with the doors removed and all ready to be painted... I picked a color called Pumpkin dessert even though I would not put a ounce of that dessert near my lips...

September 30, 2009

And this is the color it is now... loving it... but that was the 30th and today is the 9th and guess what it is still not done... why well two reasons I can't move the washer and drier on my own and last weekend we were busy and then forgot to move it before Carl went back to work so it remains... where it is at the moment... thank God Pat is having us in for Thanksgiving this year... I am not in a panic.. .maybe it will be done for Christmas... he he

October 01, 2009

Took a drive down country and what do I find along the way... ohhhh yes another old building showing it age through the wear and tear of it... love these things...

October 02, 2009
Another trip to the ducks just to watch them and got this photo... the ducks were dumped for this day and the seagulls won the day .... but didn't get anything from me... since I still have not went to pick up some cracked corn for the ducks... I am so mean to the seagulls.. but they have MacDonalds he he...

October 03, 2009

I am not sure if it was Carl or I that took this photo because the both of us were playing with the camera that night... but it is in a church as most of you must realize... we were down to celebrate 50 years of the Salesian Nuns being in Canada... just too cool of a photo not to put in here....

October 04, 2009

This afternoon I was on the photo with Janice my cousin talking while I was sitting at the computer and as I turned my chair around while we were talking this is the sight I took it... ohhhh totally amazing... how I love the autumn and its colors... how thankful I have this sight each and every day of this time of the year.. can't imagine living somewhere else that doesn't....

October 05, 2009

So after the pink was done I thought lets do another one that a little boy would wear... the first of this pattern was not done right... I was missing a knitted row which make it very different from what it was suppose to be... so as I started to finish it off I noticed that I did make a few mistakes but I never claimed to be a great knitter just that I could knit...and when it was totally finished... which meant I had it all sewed up... and ready to display... I noticed something else I did wrong... I put the neck on backwards... I really hope this band works...

October 06, 2009
This is a rose bush that I have been passing every day I go up to may parents... actually I was not really sure what it was for awhile until I actually stopped to look at it... it is at my parent's neighbor's place.. it is a rose bush... I don't think I have ever seen one that high that was not a climbing one... so I finally stopped and took a photo of it...

October 07, 2009

Of course there had to be a picture of the ducks since I do pass this place quite often on my way back for west.. .since I would rather go this way instead of through the streets light of town...

October 08, 2009

Well today you are getting a special... 2 for the price of one...

My mom who I know most of the family has not seen a photo of her for a while... as she is talking with Yvette and Flo...

And dad as he sits enjoying the humor that mom is spinning out.... it was a good day .... always love those days....

October 09, 2009

Well I wanted to post the photos of my parents yesterday but I also had this bird in the yard.... there was no tossing of a coin here to see who would win... but I was in luck it was back this afternoon as I was driving in the yard... it has a bad leg.. because yesterday he hobbled area all the time it was here... today since the dogs were not out barking their heads off at it... it stayed quite still and I watched it as it walked again into the woods before letting the brats out...

Well that was a long one... both with photos and words... I will try a little harder to get back here sooner but then I have already said that before and it has not worked... so I am not going to try any more.. maybe I will surprise you all...

Have a great one all... Joanne